Price Profiteering on Lab Work and How to Avoid This Happening to You
The High Prices Behind the Labs
It is too common that patients are spending upwards of $100-500 on basic blood work.
And it shouldn’t have to be this way.
Without insurance, patients are sometimes offered a “30% discount”, which still ends up still being very costly.
Even with insurance, patients are left vulnerable to the high costs that hospitals and larger corporations set at whatever prices they want for labs.
Patients are left waiting for a surprise bill, because even doctors won’t know as it is likely “based on your insurance”.
This kind of price profiteering is unfortunately very common at large healthcare systems, putting profits before people.
Comparison of common blood work costs without insurance, with insurance, and at Sunny Family Medicine.
These basic labs, which include checking a complete blood count, thyroid stimulating hormone, cholesterol panel, and complete metabolic panel are very common.
In contrast, if a patient gets these labs at our Sunny Family Medicine office, the total cost would be $18.
No surprise bills. Just simple transparent upfront pricing.
We negotiate the lowest prices with our lab servicer, and offer the labs to our patients at-cost.
This ends up saving patients hundreds of dollars, and compared to getting these labs done at a local hospital is a $533 difference, which is a savings of about 97%!
How To Reduce The Cost of Lab Work
What if you could save up to 90% on all your primary health care costs?
Could you imagine what you could do with the extra savings?
Instead of spending $500 for labs, you could spend $20 for labs. What would you do with that extra $480?
Instead of spending $4,500 for a chest CT scan, you could spend $400 for that same test. What would you do with that extra $4,100?
At Sunny Family Medicine, our goal is to provide affordable and accessible healthcare services in Yakima. We are constantly looking at various ways to save our patients money on health care costs.
In essence if you’re looking to save money, up to 97 % on your labwork, medications, imaging, and primary care services in the Yakima area, reach out to us at Sunny Family Medicine.
If you’d like to have this sort of direct primary care service and knowledge that you’re getting the best prices on your medical care, you can sign up here.
Thank you for reading.
-Dr. Nina with Sunny Family Medicine